Monday, August 1, 2011

Events to be praying for

Hi all,

Chuck here with another prayer request. The semester is fast approaching and the student leaders and I are already busy beginning to plan for upcoming events. Please be in prayer especially for the beginning of the semester as that is the most important time to connect with students. During the first few weeks of the semester students are more open to doing different things and going to events and meeting new people as they have yet to solidify a schedule and a friend network. As a result please be praying that we would be able to connect with students early on and get them connected to the group both through our events as well as through students personal interactions. We have a number of events in particular that you could be praying for.

On Wednesday August 30th (the first day of classes) at 6:30pm we will be having our annual Ice Cream Social in the student center. Historically this has been very successful at getting new Christian students connected to the fellowship, please pray that this continues but that we are effective at connecting with everyone who comes and that IV members don't simply come to the social to connect with their friends that they haven't seen all summer.

On Tuesday September 13th at 7pm also in the UMF Student Center we're going to be hosting a campus-wide event called: How can a good God allow pain, suffering, and evil? featuring Maine Apologist Daryl Whitmer who heads up AIIA Institute which is dedicated to the defense of the faith in Maine (

On Monday September 26th at 7pm we will be hosting Invisible Children ( who will be sharing on their work combating the Human Slave trade, in particular they fight against Child Soldiering in Africa lead by Joseph Kony.

We are hoping to start some Alpha groups (evangelistic Bible Studies: Please pray that students volunteer to lead these and do the work of inviting their non-Christian friends that they may hear the gospel.

All of this and more, please continue to be in prayer for all facets of the ministry. Thank you all for your continued prayer and financial support of the work that Jesus is doing at UMF.

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