Chuck here with another update on the amazing work that Jesus is doing in the hearts and minds of college students at the University of Maine at Farmington through InterVarsity.
It has definitely been an interesting semester both for myself and for the students. On a personal level I went through one of the most difficult Spiritual droughts that I have encountered in my time as a Christian. During this same time I heard that this was not something that simply I was going through but that a number of the students in the fellowship were also experiencing trying times in their faith. What was particularly interesting about all this is what God was able to do in the midst.
At the end of last year we were averaging around 30 students in attendance at our large group meetings but we had around 10 students who were moving on to bigger and better things and some of them very integral members of the group. So coming into the semester I had now idea what to expect, especially considering the fact that my spiritual drought had begun in force just before the semester began. So the semester began and right away we were averaging 30 students and we had a number of freshmen and transfer students get connected and involved in the life of the fellowship quite quickly giving a much needed boost of energy to those who were weary.
One of the most exciting and encouraging things that God did this semester was drawing his lost sons and daughters unto himself. Not only did we have many students coming to InterVarsity on a regular basis but also a number of them were non-Christians interested in checking out what this Christian group on campus was all about. Prior to the semester I felt challenged by the Holy Spirit to pray for a particular number of students to become Christians and so as I sought the Lord the number that he revealed to me was 10 for the whole school year. In the first few weeks of the semester we saw two students become Christians and as the semester progressed another two became Christians. While numbers very clearly are not the most important matter and while it is also just as important to teach and train current believers how to live the Christian life as it is to see conversions it was particularly important and exciting for me because we have been able to disciple Christians but until recently we had seen very little in the realm of conversions. In fact I would say we've probably seen more people come to know Jesus in the past year (6 because we had two during our trip to New Orleans) than in all of my time being involved in InterVarsity (approximately 8 years).
In addition to this we have begun preparation for KRUP 2012 (Katrina Relief Urban Project) both in fund-raising and recruiting and have 30-40 students hoping to go, around half of whom are unbelievers, some of which it is clear to me are seeking. And so I ask that you would be in prayer for this trip as it has the potential to be a life-changing trip for many students both Christian and non-Christian at seeing a larger picture of the world and hopefully growing closer to the creator, sustainer, and redeemer of that world. Pray also for myself and the leadership as we prepare for a new semester, that our plans would be in line with what it is God has in mind both for us and the campus. Lastly pray for the finances of both the trip to New Orleans and the ministry expenses themselves. During this holiday season I would ask that you might consider a gift to the work that Jesus is doing here at UMF either for the ministry itself or for the trip to New Orleans. If you are interested in giving to the general ministry fund follow this link: If you would like to give towards the trip to New Orleans please write your check payable to InterVarsity and send it to me at:
Chuck Ellis
116 Hammond Rd
Farmington, ME 04938
I have been blessed over the past year and many people have increased their support of the ministry and new people have begun supporting. I am incredibly thankful for this especially in the midst of difficult economic times. Your gifts are evidence of your faith not in the American economy but in God's economy. Additionally I want to thank our prayer warriors who lift up the ministry before God and without whom I don't know where we would be. Thank you all so much! Merry Christmas!
Your Fellow Worker In Christ Jesus
Charles William Ellis